Sponsored by:
District 19 (Middlesex)
Assemblywoman LINDA STENDER
District 22 (Middlesex, Somerset and Union)
Permits candidate in any election to sign own nominating petition and be circulator thereof.
As introduced.
An Act concerning the signers and circulators of petitions of nomination in elections, and amending various parts of the statutory law.
Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. R.S.19:13-5 is amended to read as follows:
19:13-5. The petition shall be signed by legally qualified voters of this State residing within the district or political division in and for which the officer or officers nominated are to be elected, equal in number to at least two per centum (2%) of the entire vote cast for members of the General Assembly at the last preceding general election, held for the election of all of the members of the General Assembly, in the State, county, district or other political division in and for which the nominations are made; except that when the nomination is for an office to be filled by the voters of the entire State eight hundred signatures in the aggregate for each candidate nominated in the petition shall be sufficient; and except that no more than one hundred signatures shall be required to any petition for any officers to be elected save only such as are to be voted for by the voters of the State at large.
In case of a first general election to be held in a newly established election district, county, city or other political division, the number of fifty signatures to a petition shall be sufficient to nominate a candidate to be voted for only in such election district, county, city or other political division.
A candidate shall be permitted to sign or circulate, or both sign and circulate, the petition required to nominate that candidate for elective public office.
(cf: P.L.1948, c.438, s.6)
2. R.S.19:13-7 is amended to read as follows:
19:13-7. Before any petition shall be filed as hereinafter provided, at least one of the voters signing the same, or a candidate who signs or circulates, or both signs and circulates, such a petition, shall make oath before a duly qualified officer that the petition is made in good faith, that the affiant saw all the signatures made thereto and verily believes that the signers are duly qualified voters.
(cf: P.L.1973, c.135, s.1)
3. R.S.19:23-10 is amended to read as follows:
19:23-10. Not all of the names of petitioners need be signed to a single petition, but any number of petitions of the same purport may be filed; but in the aggregate the signatures thereto indorsing any one person shall be the number required by this title. The signers to petitions shall not therein indorse or recommend more persons as candidates for the position than are to be chosen at the ensuing primary election in the state or political subdivision in which the signers to the petition reside, nor shall such signers indorse more persons as candidates for nomination to office than are to be elected in the state or political subdivision.
No member of one political party shall sign his name to any petition purporting to indorse any person as a candidate for office of another political party.
A candidate shall be permitted to sign or circulate, or both sign and circulate, the petition required for that candidate to seek nomination for elective office.
(cf: R.S.19:23-10)
4. R.S.19:23-11 is amended to read as follows:
19:23-11. Such petitions shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of one or more of the signers thereof, including a candidate who signs or circulates, or both signs and circulates, such a petition, taken and subscribed before a person qualified under the laws of New Jersey to administer an oath, to the effect that the petition is signed by each of the signers thereof in his proper handwriting; that the signers are to the best knowledge and belief of the affiant legal voters of the state or political subdivision thereof, as the case may be, as stated in the petition, belong to the political party named in the petition, and that the petition is prepared and filed in absolute good faith for the sole purpose of indorsing the person or persons therein named, in order to secure his or their nomination or selection as stated in such petition.
(cf: R.S.19:23-11)
5. Section 5 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-5) is amended to read as follows:
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S.19:13-4, each nominating petition for a candidate to be voted upon at a school election shall be addressed to the secretary of the board of education and therein shall be set forth:
a. A statement that the signers of the petition are all qualified voters of the school district or, in the case of a regional school district, qualified voters of the constituent district which the candidate shall represent on the board of education of the regional district;
b. The name, residence and post office address of the person endorsed and the office for which he is endorsed;
c. That the signers of the petition endorse the candidate named in the petition for that office and request that the person's name be printed upon the official ballot to be used at the ensuing election; and
d. That the person so endorsed is legally qualified to be elected to the office.
A candidate shall be permitted to sign or circulate, or both sign and circulate, the petition required to nominate that candidate for membership on the board.
Any form of a petition of nomination hereunder which is provided to candidates in a school election shall contain the following notice: "Notice: All candidates are required by law to comply with the provisions of 'The New Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act.' For further information, please call (insert phone number of the Election Law Enforcement Commission)."
(cf: P.L.1995, c.278, s.5)
6. Section 4 of P.L.1981, c.379 (C.40:45-8) is amended to read as follows:
4. On or before the [54th] 57th day prior to a regular municipal election, the names of candidates for all elective offices shall be filed with the municipal clerk, in the following manner and form and subject to the following conditions:
a. The petition of nomination shall consist of individual certificates, equal in number to at least 1%, but in no event less than 25, of the registered voters of the municipality or the ward, as the case may be, and shall read substantially as follows:
"I, the undersigned, a registered voter of the municipality of .............., residing at ..................................... certify that I do hereby join in a petition of the nomination of .................................. whose residence is at .................................................. for the office of mayor (or councilman-at-large, or ward councilman of the ............ ward, or commissioner, or village trustee, as the case may be) to be voted for at the election to be held in the municipality on the ............, [19.......,] 20......., and I further certify that I know this candidate to be a registered voter, for the period required by law, of the municipality (and the ward, in the case of ward councilman) and a person of good moral character, and qualified, in my judgment, to perform the duties of the office, and I further certify that I have not signed more petitions or certificates of nomination than there are places to be filled for the above office.
Signed ......................................................... ."
Any such petition of nomination which is provided to candidates by the municipal clerk shall contain the following notice: "Notice: All candidates are required by law to comply with the provisions of the "New Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act." For further information, please call (insert phone number of the Election Law Enforcement Commission)."
b. Each petition signature shall be on a separate sheet of paper and shall bear the name and address of the petitioner. The candidate for office and his campaign manager shall make an oath before an officer competent to administer oaths that the statements made therein are true, and that each signature to the papers appended thereto is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be, to their best knowledge and belief. The oath, signed by the candidate, shall constitute his acceptance of nomination and shall be annexed to the petition, together with the oath of his campaign manager, at the time the petition is submitted.
c. The municipal clerk shall immediately provide the Election Law Enforcement Commission with official certification of the filing or withdrawal of a petition of nomination.
d. A candidate shall be permitted to sign or circulate, or both sign and circulate, the petition required to nominate that candidate for elective public office in any municipality holding regular municipal elections.
(cf: P.L.1985, c.92, s.34)
7. Section 1 of P.L.1971, c.197 (C.40A:14-71) is amended to read as follows:
1. Candidates for membership on the board shall be nominated by verified petitions. Any such petition shall be in writing, addressed to the municipal clerk or the clerk of the board, as the case may be, stating that the signers thereof are qualified voters and residents in the district and requesting that the name of the candidate be placed on the official ballot. The petition shall state the residence of the candidate and certify his qualification for membership. The candidate's consent to his nomination shall be annexed to the petition and shall constitute his agreement to serve in the event of his election. The petition shall contain the name of only one candidate, but several petitions may nominate the same person. Each petition shall be signed by not less than 10 qualified voters and shall be filed at least 28 days before the date of the election.
Any form of a petition of nomination which is provided to candidates by the Secretary of State, the county clerk, or the municipal clerk shall contain the following notice: "Notice: All candidates are required by law to comply with the provisions of "The New Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act,' P.L. 1973, c. 83 (C. 19:44A-1 et seq.). For further information please call (insert telephone number of the Election Law Enforcement Commission)."
If a petition is found to be defective, either in form or substance, the municipal clerk or the clerk of the board, as the case may be, shall forthwith notify the candidate to cause it to be corrected before the petition is given consideration.
A candidate shall be permitted to sign or circulate, or both sign and circulate. the petition required to nominate that candidate for membership on the board.
(cf: P.L.1985, c.288, s.2)
8. This act shall take effect on January 1 next following the date of enactment.
The purpose of this bill is to provide that a candidate is permitted to sign his or her own petition of nomination required by current law to nominate that candidate for election to any office, or serve as a circulator of such petitions, or to perform both functions.
Specifically, the sections of law amended by this bill permit a candidate to serve as a signer or circulator, or both, for his or her own petitions of nomination: 1) by direct petition; 2) for office in a political party or as the candidate of a political party in a primary election; 3) for office as a member of a school board; 4) for elective public office in any municipality holding nonpartisan municipal elections; and 5) for office as a fire district commissioner.