No. 85
Sponsored by:
District 7 (Burlington)
District 4 (Camden and Gloucester)
Co-Sponsored by:
Senators Whelan, Beach and Beck
Commemorates establishment and service of the New Jersey State Police and celebrates 95th anniversary of first graduating class.
As reported by the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee on June 15, 2017, with amendments.
A Joint Resolution commemorating the establishment and service of the New Jersey State Police and celebrating the 95th anniversary of the first graduating class of State Troopers.
Whereas, On March 29, 1921, the New Jersey State Police were established by law and Senator Clarence I. Case, who sponsored the enabling legislation, is forever known as the “Father of the State Police”; and
Whereas, On July 1, 1921, Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf, a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, was appointed as the first Superintendent of the State Police by Governor Edward I. Edwards; and
Whereas, Superintendent Schwarzkopf issued General Order #1, the foundation upon which the New Jersey State Police is organized, which provided the rules and regulations for the discipline and control of the New Jersey State Police, including directing members to1:1 be police officers of the State, prevent crime, pursue and apprehend offenders, execute lawful warrants or orders of arrest issued for violations of the law, make arrests without a warrant for violations of the law committed in their presence, provide first aid and support to the injured, and give comfort to the helpless; and
Whereas, On December 1, 1921, eighty-one new troopers were administered the oath of office to adhere to General Order #1 and several days later, in a blinding snowstorm, set out on horseback and motorcycle to their posts throughout the State to begin their work as New Jersey State Troopers; and
Whereas, December 1, 2016 is the 95th anniversary of the first graduating class of New Jersey State Troopers; and
Whereas, Since its establishment, the New Jersey State Police have been guided by the precepts of honor, duty, and fidelity, signified by the stars located in the three corners of their badge, and continue to protect, preserve, and safeguard the constitutional and civil rights of all citizens through impartial and courteous law enforcement with integrity and professionalism; and
Whereas, The success of the New Jersey State Police may well be attributed to the vision of Superintendent Schwarzkopf who believed that the agency’s mission was not only enforcement and apprehension, but also crime prevention and education1,1 and service to the citizens of 1[the]1 New Jersey; and
Whereas, the New Jersey State Police investigated the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby in 1932, the infamous “Crime of the Century”; maintained order on the home front during World War II; provided riot control in 1967 in the violence-stricken cities of Newark and Plainfield; provided security for world class sporting events such as Super Bowl XLVIII and the World Cup of Soccer; provided security during the 2015 Papal visit; and have supported communities nation-wide during disaster relief efforts and civil unrest; and
Whereas, The 2,600 enlisted and sworn members and 1,200 professional staff of the New Jersey State Police share the distinction that, regardless of their rank or designation, they are members of one of the most prestigious law enforcement organizations in the world; and
Whereas, The New Jersey State Police’s commitment to the highest ideals of law enforcement continues unabated as they celebrate 95 years of service to the State; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. This joint resolution commemorates the establishment and service of the New Jersey State Police and celebrates the 95th anniversary of the first graduating class of New Jersey State troopers on December 1, 2016.
2. The Governor is respectfully requested to issue a proclamation commemorating the establishment of the New Jersey State Police and calling upon public officials and the citizens of New Jersey to celebrate the division’s 95 years of dedicated service with appropriate activities and programs.
3. This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.