[Second Reprint]
ASSEMBLY, No. 1181
Sponsored by:
Assemblywoman MILA M. JASEY
District 27 (Essex and Morris)
District 34 (Essex and Passaic)
Assemblyman WILLIAM F. MOEN, JR.
District 5 (Camden and Gloucester)
Co-Sponsored by:
Assemblywomen Quijano, Reynolds-Jackson, Pintor Marin, McKnight, Sumter, Assemblymen Conaway, Atkins, Wimberly, Assemblywoman Jimenez, Assemblymen Mejia, McKeon, Assemblywomen Mosquera and Lopez
Requires high school students to complete financial aid applications.
As reported by the Assembly Education Committee on June 8, 2023, with amendments.
An Act concerning graduation requirements for high school students 1[and supplementing chapter 7C of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes]1.
Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. a. Beginning with the 2022-2023 grade 11 class, 1and for two school years thereafter,1 the State Board of Education shall require that the local graduation requirements adopted by a board of education or a board of trustees of a charter school include the requirement that a student1, and the student’s parent or guardian, if applicable,1 complete and submit a financial aid application in a form prescribed by the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority 1as a prerequisite to the student receiving a high school diploma from a public high school or charter school unless a waiver is submitted to the school district or charter school as set forth in subsection b. of this section1.
b. A student shall be exempt from the 1[graduation]1 requirement if the student 1or the student’s parent or guardian1 submits to the school district 1or charter school1:
(1) a 1waiver1 form signed by the parent or guardian, or by the student if 1[he] the student1 is at least 18 years of age, requesting the exemption 1of the requirement1; or
(2) 1[a form signed by the school counselor authorizing the exemption for good cause as defined by the State board] if the student is under 18 years of age and a form signed by the parent or guardian cannot be reasonably obtained, the student’s school counselor may authorize the waiver as permitted by regulations promulgated by the 2[Commissioner of Education1] State Board of Education pursuant to subsection h. of this section2.
c. The 1[Commissioner of Education] Executive Director of the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority1, in consultation with the 1[Executive Director of the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority] Commissioner of Education1, shall provide 2[a list of]2 resources for school districts, parents, and students that include instructions on how to complete a financial aid application prescribed by the authority. 2The resources shall include webinars, presentations, guidance documents, and a list of available State and federal resources.2 The executive director of the authority shall make available such resources as are necessary directly to school counselors or other school employees 1[who assist students in completing the financial aid application] who shall share the information with students and with the students’ parents or guardians1.
d. Each school district shall annually notify students and the parents or guardians of the requirement established pursuant to this section.
e. 1[The Department of Education shall verify which students have met the requirement established pursuant to this section with the authority. The department shall include that information in the student’s record.
f. The Department of Education shall include the number of students who have met the requirement established pursuant to this section in the School Report Card issued pursuant to P.L.1995, c.235 (C.18A:7E-1 et seq.).]
No adverse action shall be taken by a board of education or a board of trustees of a charter school against any student who is exempted from the requirement to complete and submit a financial aid application pursuant to subsection b. of this section.
f. Nothing in this act shall be construed as requiring school counselors, or any other school employee, to assist students in completing the financial aid application. Nothing in this act shall be construed as creating a private right of action against the school district or the State upon compliance or noncompliance with the provisions of this act.1
2g. The Executive Director of the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority shall make the resources listed in subsection c. of this section available to public four year institutions of higher education in order to facilitate the delivery of technical assistance to area high schools.
h. The State Board of Education shall adopt, pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act,” P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this act.2
2. This act shall take effect immediately.