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District 29 (Essex)
Directs use of 21st Century Improvement Fund to establish individualized account access system.
Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel.
An Act concerning e-court programs and amending P.L. 2014, c.31.
Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. Section 12 of P.L.2014, c. 31(C.2B:1-7) is amended to read as follows:
12. a. The Supreme Court, subject to the limitations set forth in subsection b. of this section, may adopt Rules of Court to revise or supplement filing fees and other statutory fees payable to the court for the sole purpose of funding:
(1) the development, maintenance and administration of a Statewide Pretrial Services Program;
(2) the development, maintenance and administration of a Statewide digital e-court information system; and
(3) the provision to the poor of legal assistance in civil matters by Legal Services of New Jersey and its affiliates.
b. All existing filing fees and other statutory fees payable to the court on the effective date of this section shall not be increased or supplemented more than $50 in the aggregate for each fee beginning on the effective date of this section.
c. As used in sections 12 through 19 of P.L.2014, c.31 (C.2B:1-7 through C.2B:1-13):
"Digital e-court information system" shall mean a Statewide integrated system that includes but is not limited to electronic filing, electronic service of process, electronic document management, electronic case management, electronic financial management, and public access to digital court records and court matters generally, including an individualized account access and notification system for individuals using email addresses and telephone numbers about pending court matters including but not limited to violations and court dates; and
"Pretrial Services Program" shall mean the pretrial services program established pursuant to section 11 of P.L.2014, c.31 (C.2A:162-25).
(cf: P.L.2014, c.31, s.12)
2. Section 15 of P.L.2014, c. 31(C.2B:1-10) is amended to read as follows:
15. Monies annually credited in the "21st Century Justice Improvement Fund" shall be allocated as follows:
a. $22 million credited annually to the fund shall be appropriated annually to the Judiciary to be used to fund the development, maintenance and administration of a Statewide Pretrial Services Program established pursuant to section 11 of P.L.2014, c.31 (C.2A:162-25);
b. $10 million credited annually to the fund shall be appropriated annually to the Judiciary to be used to fund the development, maintenance and administration of a Statewide digital e-court information system, which shall include an individualized account access and notification system for individuals using email addresses and telephone numbers about pending court matters including but not limited to violations and court dates. An appropriation made pursuant to this subsection shall not be used to replace appropriations from other sources for Judiciary information technology; and
c. $10.1 million credited annually to the fund shall be appropriated annually to the Department of the Treasury for distribution to Legal Services of New Jersey and its affiliates to facilitate the provision to the poor of legal assistance in civil matters, which shall supplement other funds as may be appropriated from any other source in a fiscal year for the same purpose. All State funds distributed to Legal Services of New Jersey shall be used exclusively for the provision to the poor of legal assistance in civil matters.
d. Any amount remaining in the fund after the appropriation of funds as provided in subsections a., b., and c. of this section shall be retained by the Judiciary for the purpose of developing, maintaining, and administering the Pretrial Services Program or for court information technology. The monies credited to the fund shall not be used for any purpose other than those purposes set forth in this section and section 14 of P.L.2014, c.31 (C.2B:1-9).
(cf: P.L.2014, c.31, s.15)
3. This act shall take effect immediately.
The 21st Century Improvement Fund, section 14 of P.L.2014. c. 31 (C.2B:1-9), is a dedicated, nonlapsing fund annually credited with a sum equal to the yearly revenue derived from the incremental amounts of certain fees payable to the court. One of the dedicated purposes of the fund is the development, maintenance and administration of the Statewide digital e-court information system. Presently, the e-court system broadly includes public access to digital court matters. This bill would expand the public access function to include access to court matters generally, including an individualized account access and notification system for individuals using email addresses and telephone numbers about pending court matters including but not limited to violations and court dates.
The bill further amends section 14 of P.L. 2014. c. 31 (C.2B:1-10) to ensure that a portion of the funds allocated for the development, maintenance and administration of a Statewide digital e-court information system shall be used for expanded purpose.
It is the sponsor’s view that enhanced notification technology can lead to increased access and accessibility to the court system which, in turn, can prevent such issues as missed court dates and failure to settle matters, arrests, warrant issues and arrests for individuals. The use of notification technology at the account is used in such areas as online banking and notifications about health and self-care appointments, and should be available to individuals involved at all levels the justice system.