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District 8 (Atlantic, Burlington and Camden)
District 25 (Morris and Somerset)
Co-Sponsored by:
Senator Oroho
Authorizes deer hunting on Sunday with bow and arrow or firearms on federal military land subject to approval of appropriate federal military authority.
As introduced.
An Act concerning hunting on Sunday with bow and arrow or firearms on federal military lands and amending R.S.23:4-24.
Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. R.S.23:4-24 is amended to read as follows:
23:4-24. a. No person shall hunt with a hound or with firearms or weapons of any kind, or carry a gun in the woods or fields or on the waters on Sunday, under a penalty of $50 for each offense; except that this section shall not apply to:
(1) any person hunting raccoon between midnight on Saturday and sunrise on Sunday during the season prescribed in R.S.23:4-1;
(2) a person possessing a valid and proper rifle permit licensed to trap fur-bearing animals pursuant to the provisions of R.S.23:3-1 using a .22 caliber rifle and .22 caliber short rimfire cartridges to humanely dispatch legally trapped animals; [or]
(3) a person using a bow and arrow to hunt deer during any bow and arrow hunting season for deer prescribed by the State Fish and Game Code, provided the person possesses a valid bow and arrow license, or a valid "All Around Sportsman License" if applicable, issued by the division, abides by all applicable provisions of the code, and is hunting on a State wildlife management area or private property; or
(4) a person using a bow and arrow or firearm to hunt deer on federal military land during any bow and arrow or firearm hunting season for deer prescribed by the State Fish and Game Code, provided the person has permission to do so granted by the appropriate federal military authority with jurisdiction over the applicable federal military land, and the person possesses a valid bow and arrow or firearm license, or a valid "All Around Sportsman License" if applicable, issued by the division, and abides by all applicable provisions of the code.
b. This section shall not prevent farm land owners, lessees actually occupying or farming the land, members of their immediate families, or their farm employees from hunting and destroying at any time and in any manner crows, woodchuck, fox and vermin on that land.
(cf: P.L.2009, c.48, s.1)
2. This act shall take effect immediately.
This bill would authorize Sunday hunting for deer with a bow and arrow or firearm on federal military land, subject to proper permission granted by the appropriate federal military authority having jurisdiction over the federal military land on which the person is hunting.
Under current State law, hunting is prohibited on Sundays, with certain limited exceptions. Although federal agencies may permit hunting on their lands, these agencies are subject to both State and federal laws regarding hunting. Thus, under current law, an individual may not hunt on Sundays on federal military installations in the State.