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District 10 (Ocean)
Establishes $40 daily pay rate for jurors.
As introduced.
An Act concerning juror compensation, amending P.L.1993, c.275, and making an appropriation.
Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. Section 19 of P.L.1993, c.275 (C.22A:1-1.1) is amended to read as follows:
19. a. Except for certain full-time government employees compensated pursuant to N.J.S.2B:20-16, every person serving as a juror in New Jersey courts, whether as a grand or petit juror, shall receive, for each day's attendance at such courts, the sum of [$5] $40.
b. [In addition to the amounts received pursuant to subsection a. of this section, each person serving as a juror, other than a person compensated pursuant to N.J.S.2B:20-16, shall be paid $35 for each consecutive day of attendance in excess of three days. For the purposes of this subsection, "consecutive" days of attendance shall be counted excluding Saturdays, Sundays, State holidays and days when a trial is in recess.] (Deleted by amendment, P.L. ,c. )(pending before the Legislature as this bill)
c. The Assignment Judge of the vicinage shall designate the method of juror payment. The Assignment Judge shall keep an account of all juror fees paid under this section and provide each juror with a statement of the number of days the juror served and the amount of fees to which the juror is entitled.
(cf: P.L.2001, c.38, s.1)
2. There is appropriated $6,000,000 from the General Fund to the Administrative Office of the Courts for the establishment of a $40 daily pay rate for grand and petit jurors pursuant to section 19 of P.L.1993, c.275 (C.22A:1-1.1).
3. This act shall take effect immediately.
This bill amends section 19 of P.L.1993, c.275 (C.22A:1-1.1) to establish a $40 daily pay rate for grand and petit jurors.
Currently, jurors receive $5
for each day’s attendance. In addition, each person serving as a juror, other
than certain full-time government employees, is paid $35 for each consecutive
day of
attendance in excess of three days. This bill requires an immediate $40 per day beginning on the first day of service.
This bill also makes an appropriation of $6,000,000 from the General Fund to the Administrative Office of the Courts to pay for this increase in juror pay.