No. 91







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District 12 (Burlington, Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean)






     Designates June 15 of each year as Elder Abuse Awareness Day.



     As introduced.


A Joint Resolution designating June 15 of each year as Elder Abuse Awareness Day.


Whereas, An estimated five million senior citizens experience abuse, neglect, or exploitation across the United States every year; and

Whereas, Elder abuse can manifest itself as physical or emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse, or financial abuse and can occur regardless of a person’s sex, race, religion, or ethnicity; and

Whereas, A senior citizen is often abused by a family member or by workers at assisted living facilities and nursing homes, the very individuals responsible for caring for the senior citizen; and

Whereas, While a senior citizen can be abused regardless of his or her health, abuse is most likely to occur when the senior citizen is physically frail, socially isolated, or experiences dementia or confusion; and

Whereas, Incidents of abuse are also more likely when the perpetrator is financially dependent on the senior citizen, abuses alcohol or drugs, has a psychiatric disorder, a history of violent behavior, financial problems, or lacks the skills and resources to properly provide for the senior citizen; and

Whereas, Signs of elder abuse include poor hygiene, bruises, broken bones, scratches and cuts, anxiety, depression, or sudden changes to a senior citizen’s finances; and

Whereas, Many senior citizens who experience elder abuse fail to report mistreatment because they are either too ashamed or fear that reporting an abuser will make the situation worse; and

Whereas, “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day” is commemorated on June 15th of each year and provides the opportunity for communities to take action to protect senior citizens by raising awareness of elder abuse, why it occurs, and what everyone can do to stop it; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    June 15 of each year is designated as “Elder Abuse Awareness Day” to foster an awareness and understanding of elder abuse.


     2.    The Governor is respectfully requested to issue an annual proclamation calling upon public officials and citizens of this State to observe “Elder Abuse Awareness Day” with appropriate activities and programs.


     3.    This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.



     This joint resolution designates June 15 of each year as “Elder Abuse Awareness Day” in order to foster an awareness and understanding of elder abuse.  This joint resolution also respectfully requests that the Governor issue an annual proclamation calling upon public officials and citizens of this state to observe the day with appropriate activities and programs. 

     Every year, approximately five million senior citizens across the United States are victims of elder abuse.  Common signs of elder abuse include physical or emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse, or financial abuse.  Sadly, senior citizens are often abused by the same individuals responsible for their well-being such as a family member or staff members at an assisted living facility.  Mistreatment often goes unreported as many victims are either ashamed or fear that the report will get back to the abuser and make the situation worse.  To raise awareness of this widespread problem, the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization launched World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15, 2006.  The purpose of this day is to provide communities across the globe the opportunity to better understand the abuse and neglect of senior citizens.  By establishing June 15 as Elder Abuse Awareness Day in New Jersey, our communities will join with others across the globe in learning more about the causes and warning signs of elder abuse and what they can do to help.