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District 21 (Morris, Somerset and Union)
Requires DOT, NJT, and DHS to study and implement transportation mobility and accessibility improvements for persons with physical disabilities.
Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel.
An Act concerning transportation mobility and accessibility for persons with physical disabilities and supplementing Title 27 of the Revised Statutes.
Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. a. The Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the New Jersey Transit Corporation and the Department of Human Services, shall conduct a review of current infrastructure design practices for new and rehabilitated public highways and public transportation projects, as those terms are defined pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1984, c.73 (C.27:1B-3). Upon completion of the review, the Department of Transportation shall adopt new and revised design practices that implement design elements and result in infrastructure improvement projects that promote the ability of individuals with physical disabilities to travel independently.
b. The Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the New Jersey Transit Corporation and the Department of Human Services, shall conduct a study of nationwide best practices that identifies ways to operate public roadway facilities, public transportation services, and any mobility programs operated by or funded under the Department of Human Services in a manner that makes transportation services and mobility programs more accessible for individuals with physical disabilities.
c. The Department of Transportation shall encourage regional and local entities that apply for funding through the local aid program, pursuant to section 25 of P.L.1984, c.73 (C.27:1B-25), to adopt comparable design policies and best practices that are consistent with the measures adopted at the State level pursuant to subsection a. and subsection b. of this section.
2. This act shall take effect immediately.
This bill requires the Department of Transportation (DOT), the New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJT), and the Department of Human Services (DHS) to conduct a review of current infrastructure design practices for public highways and public transportation projects. Upon completion of the review, new and revised design practices are to be adopted with the goal of creating projects that promote the ability of individuals with physical disabilities to travel independently.
DOT, NJT, and DHS are also to conduct a study of nationwide best practices that identifies ways to operate public roadway facilities, public transportation services, and mobility programs operated or funded under the DHS in a manner that makes transportation services and mobility programs more accessible for individuals with physical disabilities.
The DOT is required to encourage regional and local entities that apply for funding through the local aid program to adopt infrastructure design practices and best practices that are consistent with State practices.