[First Reprint]


No. 89







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  CRAIG J. COUGHLIN

District 19 (Middlesex)

Assemblywoman  ELLEN J. PARK

District 37 (Bergen)

Assemblywoman  YVONNE LOPEZ

District 19 (Middlesex)


Co-Sponsored by:

Assemblyman Stanley, Assemblywoman Lampitt, Assemblymen Wimberly, Rodriguez, Assemblywomen Reynolds-Jackson, Quijano, Hall, Assemblyman Freiman, Assemblywoman Drulis, Assemblyman Sampson, Assemblywomen Speight, Swain, Donlon, Peterpaul and Assemblyman Tully






     Condemns hate in all forms and especially all hate and bias crimes.



     As reported by the Assembly Judiciary Committee on December 12, 2024, with amendments.


A Joint Resolution condemning hate in all forms and especially all hate and bias crimes.


Whereas, The State of New Jersey has long recognized that its diverse population is one of its greatest sources of strength and pride; and

Whereas, The State of New Jersey benefits in innumerable ways from its diverse population comprised of individuals from every corner of the world and from all walks of life creating a cultural tapestry that enriches every aspect of life; and

Whereas, In the past several years, there has been an alarming increase in the rate of hate and bias crimes, which include violent crimes, threats of violence, and other incidents motivated by hatred, in New Jersey and across the United States; and

Whereas, Acts of hatred and bias reflect a profound lack of tolerance and empathy and attempt to deny basic equality and human dignity, inflame tensions, promote social hostility, fear, division and discord, and are nothing less than a direct attack on the very fabric of New Jersey’s civil society; and

Whereas, The State of New Jersey has a proud history of fighting hate and bias crimes and has continued to make substantial efforts to combat acts of hatred and bias wherever possible; and

Whereas, The State of New Jersey has invested significant resources towards encouraging its 1[citizens] residents1 to report bias incidents to law enforcement, making it easier to file a report for hate crimes and bias incidents, and ensuring that law enforcement agencies respond appropriately to all reports of hate and bias crimes; and

Whereas, The New Jersey Office of the Attorney General held a Summit on Combatting Bias, Hate, and Violence in June of 2022 to address how the State can combat the alarming rise in hate and bias in its communities; and

Whereas, The New Jersey Attorney General’s Youth Bias Task Force issued a report in 2020 highlighting several recommendations to help address the deeply rooted sources of discrimination and hatred; and

Whereas, The Bias Crime Unit, in the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice in the Department of Law and Public Safety, is the Statewide coordinator of efforts to eliminate crimes motivated by prejudice against others based on race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or ethnicity and investigates complaints; and

Whereas, The Department of Law and Public Safety and the Division 1[of] on1 Civil Rights 1[continues] continue1 to promote justice and 1[equality] equity1 throughout the State and 1[the creation of a new Incident Response Team within the Division on Civil Rights]1 can respond in the community following a major civil rights incident; and

Whereas, New Jersey’s County Prosecutors have instituted Bias Crime Units to specifically address hate-based crimes and have held anti-bias events across the State; and

Whereas, More remains to be done to combat the ongoing problem of hatred and bias-motivated crime in the State of New Jersey; and

Whereas, The State of New Jersey is firmly committed to never allowing hatred and bigotry to go unchecked and unchallenged, and to protecting its 1[citizens] residents1 from the damage that hatred can cause; and

Whereas, It is the ongoing mission of the State of New Jersey to promote a vibrant, livable, and inclusive community which celebrates the diversity of its 1[citizenry] residents1, to support all of its community members, to prevent the spread of misinformation, and to unequivocally reject hatred and bias in all forms; and

Whereas, It is in the public interest of the 1[citizens] residents1 of the State of New Jersey to condemn, in the strongest possible terms, any and all forms of hatred, violence, incitement to violence, and criminality against any individual motivated by race, religion, ethnicity, physical or mental disability, age, marriage, familial status, gender, or sexual orientation; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    The State of New Jersey unequivocally rejects and condemns all forms of hatred, hate-based violence, incitements to violence, and any form of bias, discrimination, or animus targeting persons by race, religion, ethnicity, physical or mental disability, age, marriage, familial status, gender, or sexual orientation.


      2.   The Governor and the Attorney General should continue to provide State assistance to victims of hate and bias crimes, improve and enhance 1[citizens’] residents’1 ability to report hate and bias crimes, pursue prosecutions of such crimes, enhance security measures, improve preparedness at religious institutions or places of worship, and improve preparedness by groups that have been targeted because of race, religion, ethnicity, physical or mental disability, age, marriage, familial status, gender, or sexual orientation.


     3.    The Governor and the Attorney General should continue to research and develop new ways to understand and combat hatred and bias crimes and develop additional methods to address this ongoing issue.


     4.    This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.