ASSEMBLY, No. 3313







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman JOHN DIMAIO

District 23 (Warren and Hunterdon)

Assemblywoman MARCIA A. KARROW

District 23 (Warren and Hunterdon)






     Establishes a formula for the distribution of State aid to school districts.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning State school aid and supplementing Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    Notwithstanding the provisions of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-43 et al.) or any other law to the contrary, State school aid for the 2009-2010 school year and for each subsequent school year shall be provided to school districts as follows:

     a.     The Department of Education shall determine each public school district’s projected resident enrollment for the budget year and the total Statewide public school resident enrollment.

     b.    The State Treasurer shall determine the total projected revenue from the State income tax for the budget year.

     c.     State aid for each school district for the budget year shall be determined pursuant to the following formula:



     SDSA is School District State Aid;

     TPITR is Total Projected Income Tax Revenue;

     TPRE is Total Projected Resident Enrollment; and

     DPRE is District Projected Resident Enrollment.


     2.    If actual income tax revenues in the budget year are less than the projected income tax revenues, the State Treasurer shall transfer an amount from the General Fund necessary to provide the total projected income tax revenue for the budget year.


     3.    This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill establishes a new formula for the allocation of State aid to school districts.  The bill provides school district State aid by determining a per pupil amount of State aid and multiplying that amount by the school district’s projected resident enrollment for the budget year.  The per pupil State aid amount is determined after the State Treasurer projects the total revenue amount from the State income tax for the budget year.  Following the determination of the projected total State income tax, the Department of Education is to divide that amount by the total projected resident enrollment of the school districts.  The department determines each school district’s State aid by multiplying this per pupil State aid amount by the district’s projected resident enrollment. 

     The bill provides that if the actual revenue from the State income tax is less than that projected by the State Treasurer, the State Treasurer will transfer sufficient funds from the General Fund to make up the difference.