An Act concerning vote by mail ballots and the holding of certain elections, and amending various parts of the statutory law and supplementing Title 19 of the Revised Statutes.
Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
1. R.S.19:13-11 is amended to read as follows:
Determination of validity of objections.
19:13-11. The officer with whom the original petition was filed shall in the first instance pass upon the validity of such objection in a summary way unless an order shall be made in the matter by a court of competent jurisdiction and for this purpose such officer shall have power to subpoena witnesses and take testimony or depositions. He shall file his determination in writing in his office on or before the ninth day after the last day for the filing of petitions, which determination shall be open for public inspection.
In the case of petitions nominating electors of candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, which candidates have not been nominated at a convention of a political party as defined by this Title, the Secretary of State shall file his or her determination in writing in his or her office on or before the 93rd day before the general election, which determination shall be open for public inspection.
2. R.S.19:13-13 is amended to read as follows:
Amendment of petitions; time.
19:13-13. A candidate whose petition of nomination, or any affidavit or affidavits thereto, is defective may cause such petition, or the affidavit or affidavits thereto, to be amended in matters of substance or of form as may be necessary, but not to add signatures, or such amendment or amendments may be made by filing a new or substitute petition, or affidavit or affidavits, and the same when so amended shall be of the same effect as if originally filed in such amended form; but every amendment shall be made on or before the third day after the last day for the filing of petitions. This provision shall be liberally construed to protect the interest of candidates.
Notwithstanding the above provision, in the case of nomination petitions for electors for candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, which candidates have not been nominated at a convention of a political party as defined by this Title, every statutorily authorized amendment shall be made on or before the 93rd day before the general election.
3. R.S.19:13-19 is amended to read as follows:
Nomination of successor.
19:13-19. If the candidate vacating the nomination was nominated directly by petition his successor shall be nominated in the same manner by direct petition, which new petition of nomination must be filed with the Secretary of State or county clerk, as the case may require, not later than 64 days before the day of election whereat such candidate is to be voted for.
4. R.S.19:13-20 is amended to read as follows:
Vacancy procedure.
19:13-20. In the event of a vacancy, howsoever caused, among candidates nominated at a primary election for the general election, which vacancy shall occur not later than the 56th day before the general election, or in the event of inability to select a candidate because of a tie vote at such primary, a candidate shall be selected in the following manner:
a. (1) In the case of an office to be filled by the voters of the entire State, the candidate shall be selected by the State committee of the political party wherein such vacancy has occurred.
(2) In the case of an office to be filled by the voters of a single and entire county, the candidate shall be selected by the county committee in such county of the political party wherein such vacancy has occurred.
(3) In the case of an office to be filled by the voters of a portion of the State comprising all or part of two or more counties, the candidate shall be selected by those members of the county committees of the party wherein the vacancy has occurred who represent those portions of the respective counties which are comprised in the district from which the candidate is to be elected.
(4) In the case of an office to be filled by the voters of a portion of a single county, the candidate shall be selected by those members of the county committee of the party wherein the vacancy has occurred who represent those portions of the county which are comprised in the district from which the candidate is to be elected.
At any meeting held for the selection of a candidate under this subsection, a majority of the persons eligible to vote thereat shall be required to be present for the conduct of any business, and no person shall be entitled to vote at that meeting who is appointed to the State committee or county committee after the seventh day preceding the date of the meeting.
Within 20 days after the meeting of each county committee that is held on the first Tuesday following the primary election at which committee members are elected, the municipal clerk shall certify to the county clerk an official list of the duly elected county committee members and an official list of the municipal committee chairs. The county party chairperson shall have a continuing duty to report to the county clerk any vacancies, resignations, and committee positions filled pursuant to R.S.19:5-2 or 19:5-3. A report of a resignation shall be accompanied by a notarized letter of resignation signed by the resigning committee member or, if the resigning committee member fails to provide such a letter, by a notarized letter stating that the resignation has occurred signed by the chair of the relevant municipal committee who shall also provide a copy thereof to the resigning member. Notice of vacancies in the membership of a county committee that are filled pursuant to R.S.19:5-2 or 19:5-3 shall be accompanied by a certificate of acceptance signed by the newly selected member. The official list of the county committee members and of the municipal committee chairs maintained by the county clerk shall be deemed to be a government record and only those county committee members listed thereon seven days prior to a selection to fill a vacancy and otherwise qualified to vote on the vacancy shall be entitled to vote on filling a vacancy pursuant to this section.
In addition, every person appointed to the county committee shall file with the county clerk a certificate of acceptance which shall be preserved by the county clerk as a government record.
In the case of a meeting held to select a candidate for other than a Statewide office, the chairperson of the meeting shall be chosen by majority vote of the persons present and entitled to vote thereat. The chairperson so chosen may propose rules to govern the determination of credentials and the procedures under which the meeting shall be conducted, and those rules shall be adopted upon a majority vote of the persons entitled to vote upon the selection. If a majority vote is not obtained for those rules, the delegates shall determine credentials and conduct the business of the meeting under such other rules as may be adopted by a majority vote. All contested votes taken at the selection meeting, as referenced in subsections a. and b. of this section, shall be by secret ballot in a location or manner that protects the anonymity of the person's vote.
b. (1) Whenever in accordance with subsection a. of this section members of two or more county committees are empowered to select a candidate to fill a vacancy, it shall be the responsibility of the chairpersons of said county committees, acting jointly not later in any case than the seventh day following the occurrence of the vacancy, to give notice to each of the members of their respective committees, as certified by the county clerk, who are so empowered of the date, time and place of the meeting at which the selection will be made, that meeting to be held at least one day following the date on which the notice is given.
(2) Whenever in accordance with the provisions of subsection a. of this section members of a county committee are empowered to select a candidate to fill a vacancy, it shall be the responsibility of the chairperson of such county committee, not later in any case than the seventh day following the occurrence of the vacancy, to give notice to each of the members of the committee, as certified by the county clerk, who are so empowered of the date, time and place of the meeting at which the selection will be made, that meeting to be held at least one day following the date on which the notice is given.
(3) A county committee chairperson or chairpersons who call a meeting pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection shall not be entitled to vote upon the selection of a candidate at such meeting unless he or she or they are so entitled pursuant to subsection a.
(4) Whenever in accordance with the provisions of subsection a. of this section the State committee of a political party is empowered to select a candidate to fill a vacancy, it shall be the responsibility of the chairperson of that State committee to give notice to each of the members of the committee of the date, time and place of the meeting at which the selection will be made, that meeting to be held at least one day following the date on which the notice is given.
c. Whenever a selection is to be made pursuant to this section to fill a vacancy resulting from inability to select a candidate because of a tie vote at a primary election for the general election, the selection shall be made from among those who have thus received the same number of votes at the primary.
d. A selection made pursuant to this section shall be made not later than the 54th day preceding the date of the general election, and a statement of such selection shall be filed with the Secretary of State or the appropriate county clerk, as the case may be, not later than that day, and in the following manner:
(1) A selection made by a State committee of a political party shall be certified to the Secretary of State by the State chairperson of the political party.
(2) A selection made by a county committee of a political party, or a portion of the members thereof, shall be certified to the county clerk of the county by the county chairperson of such political party; except that when such selection is of a candidate for the Senate or General Assembly or the United States House of Representatives the county chairperson shall certify the selection to the State chairperson of such political party, who shall certify the same to the Secretary of State.
(3) A selection made by members of two or more county committees of a political party acting jointly shall be certified by the chairpersons of said committees, acting jointly, to the State chairperson of such political party, who shall certify the same to the Secretary of State.
e. A statement filed pursuant to subsection d. of this section shall state the residence and post office address of the person so selected, and shall certify that the person so selected is qualified under the laws of this State to be a candidate for such office, and is a member of the political party filling the vacancy. Accompanying the statement, the person endorsed therein shall file a certificate stating that he or she is qualified under the laws of this State to be a candidate for the office mentioned in the statement, that he or she consents to stand as a candidate at the ensuing general election and that he or she is a member of the political party named in said statement, and further that he or she is not a member of, or identified with, any other political party or any political organization espousing the cause of candidates of any other political party, to which shall be annexed the oath of allegiance prescribed in R.S.41:1-1 duly taken and subscribed by him or her before an officer authorized to take oaths in this State. The person so selected shall be the candidate of the party for such office at the ensuing general election. Each candidate for the office of Governor or the office of member of the Senate or General Assembly filing a certification shall annex thereto a statement signed by the candidate that he or she:
(1) has not been convicted of any offense graded by Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes as a crime of the first, second, third or fourth degree, or any offense in any other jurisdiction which, if committed in this State, would constitute such a crime; or
(2) has been so convicted, in which case, the candidate shall disclose on the statement the crime for which convicted, the date and place of the conviction and the penalties imposed for the conviction. Such a candidate may, as an alternative, submit with the statement a copy of an official document that provides such information. If the candidate has been convicted of more than one criminal offense, such information about each conviction shall be provided. Records expunged pursuant to chapter 52 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes shall not be subject to disclosure.
5. R.S.19:13-21 is amended to read as follows:
Candidate for Presidential elector.
19:13-21. If the nomination vacated is that of a candidate for elector of the President and Vice-President of the United States, the vacancy shall be filled by the committee to whom power shall have been delegated to fill vacancies if such there be, otherwise by the State committee of the political party which nominated the elector whose nomination is vacated. The chairman and secretary of the vacancy committee or State committee shall file with the Secretary of State on or before the 54th day prior to the general election a certificate of nomination for filling the vacancy. This certificate shall be made and filed in the same manner and form as heretofore provided for filling vacancies among candidates nominated at the primary and there shall be annexed thereto the oath of allegiance prescribed in section 41:1-1 of the Revised Statutes duly taken and subscribed by the person so nominated before an officer authorized to take oaths in this State.
6. R.S.19:14-1 is amended to read as follows:
Copy for printer.
19:14-1. Every county clerk shall have ready for the printer on or before the 50th day prior to the general election a copy of the contents of official ballots as hereinafter required to be printed for use at such election. He shall also on or before that time place another copy of such contents on file in his office and keep the same open to public inspection until the sample ballots hereinafter provided to be printed shall have been distributed.
7. R.S.19:23-12 is amended to read as follows:
Committee on vacancies.
19:23-12. The signers to petitions for "Choice for President," delegates and alternates to national conventions, for Governor, United States Senator, member of the House of Representatives, State Senator, member of the General Assembly and any county office may name three persons in their petition as a committee on vacancies.
This committee shall have power in case of death or resignation or otherwise of the person indorsed as a candidate in said petition to fill such vacancy by filing with the Secretary of State in the case of officers to be voted for by the voters of the entire State or a portion thereof involving more than one county thereof or any congressional district, and with the county clerk in the case of officers to be voted for by the voters of the entire county or any county election district, a certificate of nomination to fill the vacancy.
Such certificate shall set forth the cause of the vacancy, the name of the person nominated and that he is a member of the same political party as the candidate for whom he is substituted, the office for which he is nominated, the name of the person for whom the new nominee is to be substituted, the fact that the committee is authorized to fill vacancies and such further information as is required to be given in any original petition of nomination.
The certificate so made shall be executed and sworn to by the members of such committee, and shall upon being filed at least 55 days before election have the same force and effect as the original petition of nomination for the primary election for the general election and there shall be annexed thereto the oath of allegiance prescribed in R.S.41:1-1 duly taken and subscribed by the person so nominated before an officer authorized to take oaths in this State. The name of the candidate submitted shall be immediately certified to the proper municipal clerks. In addition, a person so nominated for the office of Governor or the office of member of the Senate or General Assembly shall annex to the certificate a statement signed by the candidate that he or she:
a. has not been convicted of any offense graded by Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes as a crime of the first, second, third or fourth degree, or any offense in any other jurisdiction which, if committed in this State, would constitute such a crime; or
b. has been so convicted, in which case, the candidate shall disclose on the statement the crime for which convicted, the date and place of the conviction and the penalties imposed for the conviction. Such a candidate may, as an alternative, submit with the statement a copy of an official document that provides such information. If the candidate has been convicted of more than one criminal offense, such information about each conviction shall be provided. Records expunged pursuant to chapter 52 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes shall not be subject to disclosure.
8. R.S.19:23-14 is amended to read as follows:
Certification by municipal clerk.
19:23-14. Petitions addressed to the Secretary of State, the county clerks, or the municipal clerks shall be filed with such officers, respectively, before 4:00 p.m. of the 64th day next preceding the day of the holding of the primary election for the general election.
Not later than the close of business of the 54th day preceding the primary election for the general election, the municipal clerk shall certify to the county clerk the full and correct names and addresses of all candidates for nomination for public and party office and the name of the political party of which such persons are candidates together with their slogan and designation. The county clerk shall transmit this information to the Election Law Enforcement Commission in the form and manner prescribed by the commission and shall notify the commission immediately upon the withdrawal of a petition of nomination.
9. R.S.19:23-21 is amended to read as follows:
Certification by Secretary of State.
19:23-21. The Secretary of State shall certify the names of the persons indorsed in the petitions filed in his office to the clerks of counties concerned thereby not later than the 54th day prior to the holding of the primary election, specifying in such certificate the political parties to which the persons so nominated in the petitions belong. In the case of candidates for offices other than federal office, the Secretary of State shall also transmit this information to the Election Law Enforcement Commission in the form and manner prescribed by the commission and shall notify the commission immediately upon the withdrawal of a petition of nomination.
10. R.S.19:23-22 is amended to read as follows:
Certification by county clerk.
19:23-22. The county clerk shall certify all of the persons so certified to him by the Secretary of State and in addition the names of all persons indorsed in petitions filed in his office to the clerk of each municipality concerned thereby in his respective county not later than the close of business of the 53rd day prior to the time fixed by law for the holding of the primary election, specifying in such certificate the political party to which the person or persons so nominated belong. The county clerk shall also transmit this information with respect to persons, other than candidates for federal office, indorsed in petitions filed in his office to the Election Law Enforcement Commission in the form and manner prescribed by the commission and shall notify the commission immediately upon the withdrawal of a petition of nomination filed in his office.
11. R.S.19:23-24 is amended to read as follows:
Primary election ballots; position.
19:23-24. The position which the candidates and bracketed groups of names of candidates for the primary for the general election shall have upon the ballots used for the primary election for the general election, in the case of candidates for nomination for members of the United States Senate, Governor, members of the House of Representatives, members of the State Senate, members of the General Assembly, candidates for party positions, and county offices or party positions which are to be voted for by the voters of the entire county or a portion thereof greater than a single municipality, including a congressional district which is wholly within a single municipality, shall be determined by the county clerks in their respective counties; and, excepting in counties where R.S.19:49-2 applies, the position on the ballot used for the primary election for the general election in the case of candidates for nomination for office or party position wherein the candidates for office or party position to be filled are to be voted for by the voters of a municipality only, or a subdivision thereof (excepting in the case of members of the House of Representatives) shall be determined by the municipal clerk in such municipalities, in the following manner: The county clerk, or his deputy, or the municipal clerk or his deputy, as the case may be, shall at his office on the 53rd day prior to the primary election for the general election at three o'clock in the afternoon draw from the box, as hereinafter described, each card separately without knowledge on his part as to which card he is drawing. Any legal voter of the county or municipality, as the case may be, shall have the privilege of witnessing such drawing. The person making the drawing shall make public announcement at the drawing of each name, the order in which same is drawn, and the office for which the drawing is made. When there is to be but one person nominated for the office, the names of the several candidates who have filed petitions for such office shall be written upon cards (one name on a card) of the same size, substance and thickness. The cards shall be deposited in a box with an aperture in the cover of sufficient size to admit a man's hand. The box shall be well shaken and turned over to thoroughly mix the cards, and the cards shall then be withdrawn one at a time. The first name drawn shall have first place, the second name drawn, second place, and so on; the order of the withdrawal of the cards from the box determining the order of arrangement in which the names shall appear upon the primary election ballot. Where there is more than one person to be nominated to an office where petitions have designated that certain candidates shall be bracketed, the position of such bracketed names on the ballot (each bracket to be treated as a single name), together with individuals who have filed petitions for nomination for such office, shall be determined as above described. Where there is more than one person to be nominated for an office and there are more candidates who have filed petitions than there are persons to be nominated, the order of the printing of such names upon the primary election ballots shall be determined as above described.
The county clerk in certifying to the municipal clerk the offices to be filled and the names of candidates to be printed upon the ballots used for the primary election for the general election, shall certify them in the order as drawn in accordance with the above described procedure, and the municipal clerk shall print the names upon the ballots as so certified and in addition shall print the names of such candidates as have filed petitions with him in the order as determined as a result of the drawing as above described. Candidates for the office of the county executive in counties that have adopted the county executive plan of the "Optional County Charter Law," P.L.1972, c.154 (C.40:41A-1 et seq.), shall precede the candidates for other county offices for which there are candidates on the ballot used for the primary election for the general election.
12. R.S.19:23-45 is amended to read as follows:
Requirements for voting in primary elections; affiliation.
19:23-45. No voter shall be allowed to vote at any primary election unless his name appears in the signature copy register.
A voter who votes in a primary election of a political party or who signs and files with the municipal clerk or the county commissioner of registration a declaration that he desires to vote in any primary election of a political party, or who indicates on a voter registration form the voter's choice of political party affiliation and submits the form to the commissioner of registration of the county wherein the voter resides, to the employees or agents of a public agency, as defined in subsection a. of section 15 of P.L.1974, c.30 (C.19:31-6.3), or a voter registration agency, as defined in subsection a. of section 26 of P.L.1994, c.182 (C.19:31-6.11), or to the Secretary of State, shall be deemed to be a member of that party until the voter signs and files with the municipal clerk or the commissioner of registration a declaration that he desires to vote in a primary election of another political party at which time he shall be deemed to be a member of such other political party. The Secretary of State shall cause to be prepared political party affiliation declaration forms and shall provide such forms to the commissioners of registration of the several counties and to the clerks of the municipalities within such counties.
No voter, except a newly registered voter at the first primary at which he is eligible to vote, or a voter who has not previously voted in a primary election, may vote in a primary election of a political party unless he was deemed to be a member of that party on the 55th day next preceding such primary election.
A member of the county committee of a political party and a public official or public employee holding any office or public employment to which he has been elected or appointed as a member of a political party shall be deemed a member of such political party.
A voter may declare the voter's party affiliation or change the voter's party affiliation, or declare that the voter is unaffiliated with any party regardless of any previously declared party affiliation, by so indicating on a political party declaration form filed with the municipal clerk or the county commissioner of registration. A voter may also indicate that the voter wishes to declare a political party affiliation or that the voter does not want to declare a political party affiliation on a voter registration form filed at the time of initial registration.
Any person voting in the primary ballot box of any political party in any primary election in contravention of the election law shall be guilty of a disorderly persons offense, and any person who aids or assists any such person in such violation by means of public proclamation or order, or by means of any public or private direction or suggestions, or by means of any help or assistance or cooperation, shall likewise be guilty of a disorderly persons offense.
13. Section 2 of P.L.1976, c.16 (C.19:23-45.1) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:23-45.1 Notice of requirements for voting in primary elections, publication.
2. a. The county commissioner of registration in each of the several counties shall cause a notice to be published in each municipality of their respective counties in a newspaper or newspapers circulating therein. The notice to be so published shall be published once during each of the two calendar weeks next preceding the week in which the 55th day next preceding any primary election of a political party occurs.
b. The notice required to be published by the preceding paragraph shall inform the reader thereof that no voter, except a newly registered voter at the first primary at which he is eligible to vote, or a voter who has not previously voted in a primary election may vote in a primary election of a political party unless he was deemed to be a member of that party on the 55th day next preceding such primary election. It shall further inform the reader thereof that a voter who votes in any primary election of a political party, or who signs and files with the municipal clerk or the county commissioner of registration a declaration that he desires to vote in a primary election of a political party, or who indicates on a voter registration form the voter's choice of political party affiliation and submits the form to the commissioner of registration of the county wherein the voter resides, to the employees or agents of a public agency, as defined in subsection a. of section 15 of P.L.1974, c.30 (C.19:31-6.3), or a voter registration agency, as defined in subsection a. of section 26 of P.L.1994, c.182 (C.19:31-6.11) or to the Secretary of State, shall be deemed to be a member of that party until the voter signs and files with the municipal clerk or the commissioner of registration a declaration that he desires to vote in a primary election of another political party, at which time he shall be deemed to be a member of such other political party, or that the voter chooses not to be affiliated with any political party. The notice shall also state the time and location where a person may obtain political party affiliation declaration forms or voter registration forms.
14. R.S.19:24-4 is amended to read as follows:
National convention delegates.
19:24-4. Not less than 100 members of each such political party may file with the Secretary of State at least 64 days prior to the presidential primary election in any year of a national convention a petition requesting that the name of a person therein indorsed shall be printed on the presidential primary ticket of such political party as candidate for the position of delegate-at-large or alternate-at-large, to be chosen by the party voters throughout the State to the national convention of that party, or as a delegate or alternate to be chosen to that convention by the voters of any congressional district.
The signers to the petition for any delegate-at-large or alternate-at-large shall be legal voters resident in the State; and the signers for any delegate or alternate from any Congressional district shall be voters of such district.
The Secretary of State shall not later than the 54th day preceding the presidential primary election certify to each county clerk and county board such nominations for delegates and alternates-at-large and the nominations for delegate or alternate for any Congressional district.
15. Section 1 of P.L.1952, c.2 (C.19:25-3) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:25-3 Presidential candidates.
1. Not less than 1,000 voters of any political party may file a petition with the Secretary of State on or before the 64th day before a presidential primary election, requesting that the name of the person indorsed therein as a candidate of such party for the office of President of the United States shall be printed upon the official presidential primary ballot of that party for the then ensuing election for delegates and alternates to the national convention of such party.
The petition shall be prepared and filed in the form and manner herein required for the indorsement of candidates to be voted for at the primary election for the general election, except that the candidate shall not be permitted to have a designation or slogan following his name, and that it shall not be necessary to have the consent of such candidate for President indorsed on the petition.
16. Section 2 of P.L.1952, c.2 (C.19:25-4) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:25-4 Certification of names indorsed.
2. The Secretary of State shall certify the names so indorsed to the county clerk of each county not later than the 54th day before such presidential primary election, but if any person so indorsed shall on or before such date decline in writing, filed in the office of the Secretary of State, to have his name printed upon the presidential primary election ballot as a candidate for President, the Secretary of State shall not so certify such name.
17. R.S.19:27-6 is amended to read as follows:
Congressional vacancies.
19:27-6. In the case of a vacancy in the representation of this State in the United States Senate or House of Representatives, the writ may designate the next general election day for the election, but if a special day is designated, it shall specify the cause and purpose of such election, the name of the officer in whose office the vacancy has occurred, the day on which a special primary election shall be held, which shall be not less than 70 days nor more than 76 days following the date of such proclamation, and the day on which the special election shall be held, which shall be not less than 64 nor more than 70 days following the day of the special primary election. The writ shall also specify the day or days when the district boards shall meet for the purpose of making, revising or correcting the registers of voters to be used at such special election.
If the vacancy happens in the representation of this State in the United States Senate the election shall take place at the general election next succeeding the happening thereof, unless the vacancy shall happen within 70 days next preceding the primary election prior to the general election, in which case it shall be filled by election at the second succeeding election, unless the Governor shall deem it advisable to call a special election therefor, which he is authorized hereby to do.
If the vacancy happens in the representation of this State in the House of Representatives in any year, not later than the 70th day prior to the day for holding the next primary election for the general election, the Governor shall issue a writ of election to fill such vacancy, designating in said writ the next general election day as the day on which the election shall be held to fill such vacancy. The nomination of candidates to fill such vacancy shall be made in the same manner as the nomination of other candidates at the said primary election for the general election.
18. Section 1 of P.L.1945, c.206 (C.19:27-10.1) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:27-10.1 Vacancy in house of representatives between dates preceding primary and general elections.
1. When a vacancy, howsoever caused, happens in the representation of this State in the House of Representatives in any year later than the 70th day prior to the day for holding the primary election for the general election but before the 70th day preceding the day of the general election, and the unexpired term to be filled exceeds one year, the Governor, in issuing a writ of election to fill such vacancy, may designate in said writ the next general election day as the day on which the election shall be held to fill such vacancy and that no primary election shall be held for nomination of candidates to fill such vacancy.
In such case, each political party shall select its candidate to fill such vacancy in the same manner prescribed in R.S.19:13-20 for selecting candidates to fill vacancies arising among candidates nominated at primary elections, except that the time for making such selection and filing the statement thereof shall be within 10 days following the issuance of the writ of election.
In such case, petitions of nomination of other candidates shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State within 10 days of the date of such proclamation.
The Secretary of State on the eleventh day following the date of such proclamation shall certify to the clerk and county board of each county affected by the vacancy, a statement of all candidates selected and nominated for the office so vacated.
The election to fill such vacancy shall in all other respects be conducted as though it were being conducted to fill the office upon the expiration of the term of the incumbent.
19. R.S.19:27-11 is amended to read as follows:
Filling vacancies in county, municipal offices.
19:27-11. In the event of any vacancy in any county or municipal office, except for the office of a member of the board of chosen freeholders, which vacancy shall occur after the 70th day preceding the primary election for the general election and on or before the 70th day preceding the general election, each political party may select a candidate for the office in question in the manner prescribed in R.S.19:13-20 for selecting candidates to fill vacancies among candidates nominated at primary elections to the general elections. A statement of such selection shall be filed with the county clerk not later than the close of business of the 55th day preceding the date of the general election.
Besides the selection of candidates by each political party as before provided, candidates may also be nominated by petition in a similar manner as herein provided for direct nomination by petition for the general election but the petition shall be filed with the county clerk at least 64 days prior to such general election.
When the vacancy occurs in a county office the county clerk shall forthwith give notice thereof to the chairman of the county committee of each political party and in counties of the first class to the county board, and in case the vacancy occurs in a municipal office the municipal clerk shall forthwith give notice thereof to the county clerk, the chairman of the county committee of each political party and in counties of the first class the county board.
The county clerk shall print on the ballots for the territory affected, in the personal choice column, the title of office and leave a proper space under such title of office; and print the title of office and the names of such persons as have been duly nominated, in their proper columns.
20. Section 7 of P.L.1988, c.126 (C.19:27-11.1) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:27-11.1 Filling of vacancies in Legislature.
7. When any vacancy happens in the Legislature otherwise than by expiration of term, it shall be filled by election for the unexpired term only at the next general election occurring not less than 51 days after the occurrence of the vacancy, except that no such vacancy shall be filled at the general election which immediately precedes the expiration of the term in which the vacancy occurs. In the event a vacancy eligible to be filled by election hereunder occurs on or before the sixth day preceding the last day for filing petitions for nomination for the primary election, such petitions may be prepared and filed for nomination in that primary election in the manner provided by article 3 of chapter 23 of this Title. In the event the vacancy occurs after that sixth day preceding the last day for filing petitions for nomination for the primary election for the general election, a political party may select a candidate for the office in question in the manner prescribed in subsections a. and b. of R.S.19:13-20 for selecting candidates to fill vacancies among candidates nominated at primary elections for the general elections. A statement of such selection under R.S.19:13-20 shall be filed with the Secretary of State not later than the 48th day preceding the date of the general election.
Besides the selection of candidates by each political party, candidates may also be nominated by petition in a manner similar to direct nomination by petition for the general election; but if the candidate of any party to fill the vacancy will be chosen at a primary election, such petition shall be filed with the Secretary of State at least 64 days prior to the primary election; and if no candidate of any party will be chosen at a primary election, such petition shall be filed with the Secretary of State not later than 12 o'clock noon of the day on which the first selection meeting by any party is held under this section to select a nominee to fill the vacancy.
When the vacancy occurs in the Senate or General Assembly, the county clerk of each county which is comprised in whole or part in the Senate or General Assembly district shall forthwith give notice thereof to the chairman of the county committee of each political party and in counties of the first class to the county board.
The county clerk shall print on the ballots for the territory affected, in the personal choice column, the title of office and leave a proper space under such title of office; and print the title of office and the names of such persons as have been duly nominated, in their proper columns.
21. Section 13 of P.L.1995, c.105 (C.19:27A-13) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:27A-13 Issuance of certificate as to sufficiency of petition; scheduling of recall election; notice.
13. a. (1) If the recall election official determines that a petition contains the required number of signatures and otherwise complies with the provisions of this act and if the official sought to be recalled makes no timely challenge to that determination, or if the official makes such a challenge but the original determination is confirmed by the recall election official or the court, the recall election official shall forthwith issue a certificate as to the sufficiency of the petition to the recall committee. A copy of the certificate shall be served by the recall election official on the elected official sought to be recalled by personal service or certified mail. If, within five business days of service of the certification, the official has not resigned from office, the recall election official shall order and fix the holding of a recall election on the date indicated in the certificate.
(2) In the case of an office which is ordinarily filled at the general election, a recall election shall be held at the next general election occurring at least 60 days following the fifth business day after service of the certification, unless it was indicated in the notice of intention that the recall election shall be held at a special election in which case the recall election official shall order and fix the date for holding the recall election to be the next Tuesday occurring during the period beginning with the 60th day and ending on the 66th day following the fifth business day after service of the certification of the petition or, if that Tuesday falls on, or during the 28-day period before or after, a day on which any general, primary, nonpartisan municipal, school district or other recall election is to be held or shall have been held within all or any part of the jurisdiction, then the first Tuesday thereafter which does not fall within such period. In the case of an office which is ordinarily filled at an election other than the general election, a recall election shall be held at the next general election or the next regular election for that office occurring at least 60 days following the fifth business day after service of the certification, unless it was indicated in the notice of intention that the recall election shall be held at a special election in which case the recall election official shall order and fix the date for holding the recall election to be the next Tuesday occurring during the period beginning with the 60th day and ending on the 66th day following the fifth business day after service of the certification of the petition or, if that Tuesday falls on, or during the 28-day period before or after, a day on which any general, primary, nonpartisan municipal, school district or other recall election is to be held or shall have been held within all or any part of the jurisdiction, then the first Tuesday thereafter which does not fall within such period. A recall election to be held at a special election shall not be scheduled on the same day as a primary election. The date for a recall election shall not be fixed, and no recall election shall be held, after the date occurring six months prior to the general election or regular election for the office, as appropriate, in the final year of an official's term.
(3) A vacancy in an elective office resulting from the resignation of an elective official sought to be recalled prior to the expiration of the five-day period shall be filled in the manner provided by law for filling vacancies in that office.
b. The certificate issued by the recall election official shall contain:
(1) the name and office of the official sought to be recalled;
(2) the number of signatures required by law to cause a recall election to be held for that office;
(3) a statement to the effect that a valid recall petition, determined to contain the required number of signatures, has been filed with the recall election official and that a recall election will be held; and
(4) the date and time when the election will be held if the official does not resign.
c. The recall election official shall transmit a copy of the certificate to the officer or public body designated by law to be responsible for publishing notice of any other election to be held in the jurisdiction on the same day as the recall election, and that officer or body shall cause notice of the recall election, including all of the information contained in the certificate as prescribed by subsection b. of this section, to be printed in a newspaper published in the jurisdiction of the official sought to be recalled or, if none exists, in a newspaper generally circulated in the jurisdiction. The notice of the recall election shall appear on the same schedule applicable to the notice of such other election. In the event that the recall election is to be held as a special election, the recall election official shall transmit a copy of the certificate to the county board or boards of elections, and the county board or boards shall cause notice of the recall election to be printed, in the manner hereinbefore prescribed, once during the 30 days next preceding the day fixed for the closing of the registration books for the recall election and once during the calendar week next preceding the week in which the recall election is held.
22. R.S.19:37-1 is amended to read as follows:
19:37-1. When the governing body of any municipality or of any county desires to ascertain the sentiment of the legal voters of the municipality or county upon any question or policy pertaining to the government or internal affairs thereof, and there is no other statute by which the sentiment can be ascertained by the submission of such question to a vote of the electors in the municipality or county at any election to be held therein, the governing body may adopt at any regular meeting an ordinance or a resolution requesting the clerk of the county to print upon the official ballots to be used at the next ensuing general election a certain proposition to be formulated and expressed in the ordinance or resolution in concise form. Such request shall be filed with the clerk of the county not later than 81 days previous to the election.
23. Section 2 of P.L.1967, c.101 (C.19:37-1.1) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:37-1.1 Petition of voters.
2. Whenever a governing body of a municipality has adopted an ordinance or resolution pursuant to section 19:37-1 of the Revised Statutes, upon the presentation to the governing body of such municipality of a petition signed by 10% or more of the voters registered and qualified to vote at the last general election in such municipality, requesting the governing body of such municipality to ascertain the sentiment of the legal voters of the municipality upon any question or policy pertaining to the government or internal affairs thereof that is reasonably related to any proposition formulated and expressed in such ordinance or resolution, such governing body of the municipality shall thereupon adopt at its next regular meeting following the presentation of such petition a resolution requesting the clerk of the county to print upon the official ballots to be used at the next ensuing general election a certain proposition as formulated and expressed in the petition. Such request shall be filed with the clerk of the county not later than the 67th day previous to the election.
24. R.S.19:37-2 is amended to read as follows:
Question placed on ballot by county clerk.
19:37-2. If a copy of the ordinance or resolution certified by the clerk or secretary of the governing body of any such municipality or county is delivered to the county clerk not less than 65 days before any such general election, he shall cause it to be printed on each sample ballot and official ballot to be printed for or used in such municipality or county, as the case may be, at the next ensuing general election.
25. Section 12 of P.L.1993, c.73 (C.19:59-8.1) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:59-8.1 Processing overseas voter requests transmitted by electronic means.
12. Whenever a county clerk receives a request by electronic means from an overseas voter that an overseas ballot be sent to that person by electronic means, the county clerk shall verify the voter's eligibility to vote as an overseas voter in the State and the county desired. If the overseas voter is eligible to vote therein, the county clerk shall send the ballot to the voter at least 45 days before the day of the election and thereafter by electronic means using the telephone number or electronic address supplied by the voter for that purpose. If the overseas voter is not eligible to vote in the State or the county desired, notice of noneligibility shall be provided to the voter by electronic means as soon as practicable after the receipt of the request.
C.19:59-16 Information provided to overseas voters.
26. For the purpose of complying with the federal “Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act,” 42 U.S.C. s. 1973ff-1 et seq., the office of the Secretary of State shall:
a. be designated as the single State office responsible for providing information to all overseas voters who wish to register to vote or vote in any jurisdiction in the State with respect to voter registration procedures and vote by mail procedures to be used by overseas voters for all elections for federal offices;
b. work with the federal Election Assistance Commission and the federal Department of Defense to develop standards to report data on the number of overseas voter ballots transmitted and received by mail or electronic means pursuant to the “Overseas Residents Absentee Voting Law,” P.L.1976, c.23 (C.19:59-1 et seq.) and section 7 of P.L.2004, c.88 (C.19:61-7); and
c. provide such additional information relating to voting by overseas voters from this State as the Department of Defense determines is necessary.
27. Section 4 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-4) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:60-4 Submission of public questions.
4. The secretary of each board of education shall, not later than 10 o’clock a.m. of the 18th day preceding the annual school election or a special school election, make and certify and forward to the clerk of the county in which the school district is located a statement designating the public question to be voted upon by the voters of the district which may be required pursuant to the provisions of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et al.) or Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes.
28. Section 5 of P.L.2004, c.88 (C.19:61-5) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:61-5 Free-access system for information to voters using mail-in, overseas ballots.
5. The Secretary of State shall establish a free-access system, such as a toll-free telephone number, an Internet website or any combination thereof, that any individual who casts a mail-in ballot or an overseas ballot in a federal election may access to ascertain: (1) whether an application for a mail-in ballot or an overseas ballot has been approved and if not, the reason for its rejection; and (2) whether the mail-in ballot or overseas ballot was received and accepted for counting and, if the ballot was not counted, the reason for the rejection of the ballot. The system shall at all times preserve the confidentiality of each person who has requested an application to vote by mail-in ballot or overseas ballot, or who has voted by mail-in ballot or overseas ballot, and shall ensure that no person, other than the individual who requested or cast the ballot, may discover whether or not that individual's application or ballot was received and accepted, unless so informed by the voter. This system may be the same one used for provisional ballots, established pursuant to section 4 of P.L.2004, c.88 (C.19:61-4).
29. Section 2 of P.L.2005, c.148 (C.19:62-2) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:62-2 Election by mail, duties of county clerk.
2. If an election by mail is authorized pursuant to section 1 of this act, P.L.2005, c.148 (C.19:62-1), the county clerk shall:
a. publish, in advance of the election and pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of State, official notice that the election shall be conducted by mail together with such other information regarding the conduct of the election as shall be deemed necessary by the Secretary of State;
b. mail a ballot, including an outer envelope and an inner envelope substantially similar to the envelopes provided for mail-in ballots pursuant to sections 12 and 13 of P.L.2009, c.79 (C.19:63-12 and C.19:63-13), not sooner than the 20th day prior to the day of the election nor later than the 14th day prior to the day of the election, to each person registered to vote in the municipality at that election;
c. designate the county clerk's office or the municipal clerk's office as the places to obtain a replacement ballot pursuant to section 5 of P.L.2005, c.148 (C.19:62-5);
d. designate, after consultation with the county board of elections and pursuant to criteria established by the Secretary of State, places within the county or municipality that shall be available for the deposit of voted ballots for the election;
e. make a provisional ballot available at the office of the county clerk and the office of the municipal clerk so that each person who has been a resident of the county or municipality in which the person seeks to register and vote at least 21 days prior to the day of the election and has moved to a location within the municipality after that 21st day and prior to the day of the election may vote;
f. suspend distribution to each registered voter in the municipality of samples of the official ballot of any election, but distribute to each registered voter in the municipality with each ballot a copy of the voter information notice provided for in section 1 of P.L.2005, c.149 (C.19:12-7.1) as modified and supplemented by the Secretary of State as deemed appropriate for use in municipalities conducting elections by mail, and such instruction about the completion of the ballot as deemed necessary by the Secretary of State;
g. make certain that all qualified voters in the municipality requesting a mail-in ballot between the 45th day and the 21st day prior to the day of an election receive such ballot after the 20th day prior to the day of an election and voters requesting a ballot on or before the seventh day prior to the date of the election shall receive a ballot authorized pursuant to this section; and
h. establish, after consultation with the county board of elections and in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary of State, the time by which all ballots must be received by the board on the day of an election to be considered valid and counted.
30. Section 6 of P.L.2009, c.79 (C.19:63-6) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:63-6 Publication of notice.
6. a. The county clerk, in the case of any Statewide election, countywide election, or school election in a regional or other school district comprising more than one municipality; the municipal clerk, in the case of any municipal election or school election in a school district comprising a single municipality; and the commissioners or other governing or administrative body of the district, in the case of any election to be held in any fire district or other special district, other than a municipality, created for specified public purposes within one or more municipalities, shall publish the following notice in substantially the following form:
If you are a qualified and registered voter of the State who wants to vote by mail in the......................... (school, municipal, primary, presidential primary, general, or other) election to be held on................. (date of election) complete the application form below and send to the undersigned, or write or apply in person to the undersigned at once requesting that a mail-in ballot be forwarded to you. The request must state your home address and the address to which the ballot should be sent. The request must be dated and signed with your signature.
If any person has assisted you to complete the mail-in ballot application, the name, address and signature of the assistor must be provided on the application, and you must sign and date the application for it to be valid and processed. No person shall serve as an authorized messenger for more than 10 qualified voters in an election. No person who is a candidate in the election for which the voter requests a mail-in ballot may provide any assistance in the completion of the ballot or may serve as an authorized messenger or bearer.
No mail-in ballot will be provided to any applicant who submits a request therefor by mail unless the request is received at least seven days before the election and contains the requested information. A voter may, however, request an application in person from the county clerk up to 3 p.m. of the day before the election.
Voters who want to vote only by mail in all future general elections in which they are eligible to vote, and who state that on their application shall, after their initial request and without further action on their part, be provided a mail-in ballot by the county clerk until the voter requests that the voter no longer be sent such a ballot. A voter's failure to vote in the fourth general election following the general election at which the voter last voted may result in the suspension of that voter's ability to receive a mail-in ballot for all future general elections unless a new application is completed and filed with the county clerk.
Voters also have the option of indicating on their mail-in ballot applications that they would prefer to receive mail-in ballots for each election that takes place during the remainder of this calendar year. Voters who exercise this option will be furnished with mail-in ballots for each election that takes place during the remainder of this calendar year, without further action on their part.
Application forms may be obtained by applying to the undersigned either in writing or by telephone, or the application form provided below may be completed and forwarded to the undersigned.
(signature and title of county clerk)
(address of county clerk)
(telephone no. of county clerk)
b. (1) The Secretary of State shall be responsible for providing all information regarding overseas ballots to each overseas voter eligible for such a ballot pursuant to P.L.1976, c.23 (C.19:59-1 et seq.). The secretary shall also make available valid overseas voter registration and ballot applications to any voter who is a member of the armed forces of the United States and who is a permanent resident of this State, or who is an overseas voter who wishes to register to vote or to vote in any jurisdiction in this State. The secretary shall provide such public notice as may be deemed necessary to inform members of the armed forces of the United States and overseas voters how to obtain valid overseas voter registration and ballot applications.
(2) The Secretary of State shall undertake a program to inform voters in this State about their eligibility to vote by mail pursuant to this act. Dissemination of this information shall be included in the standard notices required by this section and other provisions of current law, including but not limited to the notice requirements of R.S.19:12-7, and shall be effectuated by such means as the secretary deems appropriate and to the extent that funds for such dissemination are appropriated including, but not limited to, by means of Statewide or local electronic media, public service announcements broadcast by such media, notices on the Internet site of the Department of State or any other department or agency of the Executive Branch of State government or its political subdivisions deemed appropriate by the secretary, and special mailings or notices in newspapers or other publications circulating in the counties or municipalities of this State.
c. The mail-in ballot materials shall contain a notice that any person voting by mail-in ballot who has registered by mail after January 1, 2003, who did not provide personal identification information when registering and is voting for the first time in his or her current county of residence following registration shall include copies of the required identification information with the mail-in ballot, and that failure to include such information shall result in the rejection of the ballot.
d. The notice provided for in subsection a. of this section shall be published before the 55th day immediately preceding the holding of any election.
Notices relating to any Statewide or countywide election shall be published in at least two newspapers published in each county. All officials charged with the duty of publishing such notices shall publish the same in at least one newspaper published in each municipality or district in which the election is to be held, or if no newspaper is published in the municipality or district, then in a newspaper published in the county and circulating in the municipality or district. All such notices shall be display advertisements.
31. Section 9 of P.L.2009, c.79 (C.19:63-9) is amended to read as follows:
C.19:63-9 Delivery of mail-in ballots.
9. a. Starting on or before the 45th day before the day an election is held, each county clerk shall forward mail-in ballots by first-class postage or hand delivery to each mail-in voter whose request therefor has been approved. Mail-in ballots that have been approved before the 45th day before an election shall be forwarded or delivered at least 45 days before the day of the election. Hand delivery of a mail-in ballot shall be made by the county clerk or the clerk's designee only to the voter, or the voter's authorized messenger, who must appear in person. No person shall serve as an authorized messenger for more than 10 qualified voters in an election. Ballots that have not been hand delivered shall be addressed to the voter at the forwarding address given in the application.
b. (1) Whenever the clerk forwards a mail-in ballot by mail to a mail-in voter between the 45th day and the 13th day before the day of an election, the ballot shall be transmitted within three business days of the receipt of the application.
(2) Whenever the clerk forwards a mail-in ballot by mail to a mail-in voter between the 12th day and the seventh day before the day of an election, the ballot shall be transmitted within two business days of the receipt of the application.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to: (a) annual school elections and special school elections in those school districts holding such elections, pursuant to P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et seq.); (b) any municipality in which elections are conducted by mail, pursuant to P.L.2005, c.148 (C.19:62-1 et seq.); (c) annual elections for members of the boards of fire district commissions, pursuant to N.J.S.40A:14-72; and (d) the vote on any public question submitted to the voters of a local unit to increase the amount to be raised by taxation by more than the allowable adjusted tax levy, pursuant to section 11 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.40A:4-45.46).
c. (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2011, c.37).
32. Section 4 of P.L.1981, c.379 (C.40:45-8) is amended to read as follows:
C.40:45-8 Petitions of nomination.
4. On or before the 64th day prior to a regular municipal election, the names of candidates for all elective offices shall be filed with the municipal clerk, in the following manner and form and subject to the following conditions:
a. The petition of nomination shall consist of individual certificates, equal in number to at least 1%, but in no event less than 25, of the registered voters of the municipality or the ward, as the case may be, and shall read substantially as follows:
"I, the undersigned, a registered voter of the municipality of .............., residing at ..................................... certify that I do hereby join in a petition of the nomination of .................................. whose residence is at .................................................. for the office of mayor (or councilman-at-large, or ward councilman of the ............ ward, or commissioner, or village trustee, as the case may be) to be voted for at the election to be held in the municipality on the ............, 20......., and I further certify that I know this candidate to be a registered voter, for the period required by law, of the municipality (and the ward, in the case of ward councilman) and a person of good moral character, and qualified, in my judgment, to perform the duties of the office, and I further certify that I have not signed more petitions or certificates of nomination than there are places to be filled for the above office.
Signed ......................................................... ."
Any such petition of nomination which is provided to candidates by the municipal clerk shall contain the following notice: "Notice: All candidates are required by law to comply with the provisions of the 'New Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act.' For further information, please call (insert phone number of the Election Law Enforcement Commission)."
b. Each petition signature shall be on a separate sheet of paper and shall bear the name and address of the petitioner. The candidate for office and his campaign manager shall make an oath before an officer competent to administer oaths that the statements made therein are true, and that each signature to the papers appended thereto is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be, to their best knowledge and belief. The oath, signed by the candidate, shall constitute his acceptance of nomination and shall be annexed to the petition, together with the oath of his campaign manager, at the time the petition is submitted.
c. The municipal clerk shall immediately provide the Election Law Enforcement Commission with official certification of the filing or withdrawal of a petition of nomination.
d. A candidate shall be permitted to sign or circulate, or both sign and circulate, the petition required to nominate that candidate for elective public office in any municipality holding regular municipal elections.
33. Section 5 of P.L.1981, c.379 (C.40:45-9) is amended to read as follows:
C.40:45-9 Individual certificates of nomination.
5. a. The municipal clerk shall furnish, upon request, a reasonable number of forms of individual certificates of nomination.
b. Each certificate shall contain the name of one candidate, and no more. Each signer must not, at the time of signing the certificate, have signed more certificates for candidates for that office than there are places to be filled for the office. Where ward councilmen are to be elected, no petitioner shall sign more than one certificate for ward council, and the candidate named in the petition shall reside in the same ward as the signer. All certificates not complying substantially with this act shall be rejected.
c. When a petition of nomination is presented for filing to the municipal clerk, he shall examine it and ascertain whether or not it conforms to the provisions of this act and, where applicable, the provisions of the general election laws. If it does not conform, he shall retain the petition and notify the person nominated of the defect, by written notice delivered to him personally or by certified mail to his place of residence stated in the petition.
d. Where the nominating petition, or any affidavit or affidavits thereto is found defective, the candidate named therein may file such amendment or amendments as may be necessary to eliminate the defect, whether of matters of substance or form, and when so amended the effect shall be as if the petition had been originally filed in the amended form. After the last day for the filing of the original petition, no amendment may be made for the purpose of adding the name of any person who did not sign the original petition, nor shall any amendment be made at any time for the purpose of changing the name of the candidate or the office for which he was to be nominated. No amendment to a nominating petition shall be made and filed less than 61 days before the election.
34. Section 11 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.40A:4-45.46) is amended to read as follows:
C.40A:4-45.46 Public question submitted for approval to raise taxes above the limitation allowable.
11. a. (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2010, c.44)
b. (1) The governing body of a local unit may request approval, through a public question submitted to the legal voters residing in its territory to increase the amount to be raised by taxation by more than the allowable adjusted tax levy. Approval shall be by an affirmative vote of in excess of 50 percent of the people voting on the question at the election. The local unit budget proposing the increase shall be introduced and approved in the manner otherwise provided for budgets of that local unit at least 20 days prior to the date on which the referendum is to be held, and shall be published in the manner otherwise provided for budgets of the local unit at least 12 days prior to the referendum date, unless otherwise directed by the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs.
(2) The public question to be submitted to the voters at the referendum shall state only the amount by which the adjusted tax levy shall be increased by more than the otherwise allowable adjusted tax levy, and the percentage rate of increase which that amount represents over the allowable adjusted tax levy. The public question shall include an accompanying explanatory statement that identifies the changes in appropriations or revenues that warranted the governing body's decision to ask the public question; or, in the alternative and subject to the approval of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs, a clear and concise narrative explanation of the circumstances for the increased adjusted tax levy being proposed.
(3) Unless otherwise provided pursuant to section 1 of P.L.1989, c.31 (C.40A:4-5.1), a referendum conducted pursuant to this subsection shall be held:
(a) for calendar year budgets only on the fourth Tuesday in January and the second Tuesday in March other than in a year when a presidential primary election occurs, in which case no such election on that date may be called; and
(b) for fiscal year budgets, only the last Tuesday in September, or the second Tuesday in December.
(4) Any decision of the voters rejecting an increase to the tax levy cap under this subsection shall be final and conclusive, and no appeal or review shall be taken therefrom and no waiver application shall be made to the Local Finance Board.
(5) The director is authorized to act as necessary in order to consolidate ballot questions and procedures when a governing body elects to hold a referendum under both this section and section 9 of P.L.1983, c.49 (C.40A:4-45.16).
c. (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2010, c.44)
d. The adjusted tax levy shall be increased or decreased accordingly whenever the responsibility and associated cost of an activity performed by a local unit is transferred to or from a local unit, other government entity, or other service provider.
35. Section 12 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.40A:4-45.47) is amended to read as follows:
C.40A:4-45.47 Actions taken by director.
12. a. The Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs shall take such action as is deemed necessary and consistent with the intent of sections 9 through 11 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.40A:4-45.44 through C.40A:4-45.46) to implement its provisions.
b. The Director of the Division of Elections in the Department of State, in consultation with the Commissioner of Education and the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs, shall determine the hours and locations of polling places, and other matters related to the referenda, to effectuate the purposes of subsection b. of section 11 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.40A:4-45.46).
C.19:63-7.1 Production, transmission of mail-in ballots in certain circumstances.
36. a. If in the year in which the Apportionment Commission establishes new legislative districts the production and transmission of mail-in ballots for the primary or general election cannot be accomplished starting on or before the 45th day before the day of either election pursuant to section 9 of P.L.2009, c.79 (C.19:63-9), the Secretary of State shall undertake such actions as the secretary deems necessary to ensure that the ballots are produced and transmitted to mail-in voters as soon as possible after the 45th day before the election.
b. If a member of the Senate or General Assembly who is a member of a political party vacates the office prior to the expiration of the term thereof and a vacancy is created after the 70th day before the day of a general election, and due to the timing of the vacancy the production and transmission of mail-in ballots for the general election cannot be accomplished starting on or before the 45th day before the day of the election pursuant to section 9 of P.L.2009, c.79 (C.19:63-9), the Secretary of State shall undertake such actions as the secretary deems necessary to ensure that the ballots are produced and transmitted to mail-in voters as soon as possible after the 45th day before the election.
37. R.S.19:3-26 is amended to read as follows:
Vacancies in United States senate; election to fill; temporary appointment by governor.
19:3-26. If a vacancy shall happen in the representation of this State in the United States senate, it shall be filled at the general election next succeeding the happening thereof, unless such vacancy shall happen within 70 days next preceding such election, in which case it shall be filled by election at the second succeeding general election, unless the governor of this State shall deem it advisable to call a special election therefor, which he is authorized hereby to do.
The governor of this State may make a temporary appointment of a senator of the United States from this State whenever a vacancy shall occur by reason of any cause other than the expiration of the term; and such appointee shall serve as such senator until a special election or general election shall have been held pursuant to law and the Board of State Canvassers can deliver to his successor a certificate of election.
38. R.S.19:3-29 is amended to read as follows:
Other vacancies; election to fill.
19:3-29. A vacancy happening in a public office other than that of United States Senator, Member of Congress, State Senator, or member of the House of Assembly, shall be filled at the general election next succeeding the happening thereof, unless such vacancy shall happen within 70 days next preceding such election, in which case it shall be filled at the second succeeding general election.
39. R.S.19:12-1 is amended to read as follows:
Certification as to creation of political party.
19:12-1. The Secretary of State shall within thirty days after the completion of the canvass by the board of State canvassers, certify to each county clerk and county board the fact that at the next preceding general election held for the election of all of the members of the General Assembly ten per centum (10%) of the total vote cast in the State for members of the General Assembly had been cast for candidates having the same designation, thereby creating, within the meaning of this Title, a political party, to be known and recognized as such under the same designation as used by the candidates for whom the required number of votes were cast.
The Secretary of State shall also not later than the 67th day preceding the presidential primary election in each presidential year in which electors of President and Vice-President of the United States are to be selected, and not later than the 67th day preceding the primary election for the general election in which a representative of the United States Senate, members of the House of Representatives, a Governor, a Lieutenant Governor, or Senator, or member or members of the General Assembly for any county, or any of them, are to be elected or any public question is to be submitted to the voters of the entire State, direct and cause to be delivered to the clerk of the county and the county board wherein any such election is to be held, a notice stating that such officer or officers are to be elected and that such public question is to be submitted to the voters of the entire State at the ensuing general election.
40. R.S.19:12-3 is amended to read as follows:
County clerk, forwarding of notice of creation of political party to municipal clerks.
19:12-3. The clerk of each county shall immediately upon the receipt of the certificate from the Secretary of State setting forth that a political party has been created, forward a certified copy of such certificate to each municipal clerk of his county.
He shall also, not later than the 57th day preceding the presidential primary election in each presidential year and the primary election for the general election in every other year, cause a copy of the notice received from the Secretary of State of the officer or officers to be elected at the ensuing general election, certified under his hand to be true and correct, to be delivered to the clerk of each municipality in the county.
41. R.S.19:12-5 is amended to read as follows:
Notice that officers will be chosen at general election.
19:12-5. The clerk of every county shall, not later than the 57th day preceding the presidential primary election in each presidential year and the primary election for the general election in every other year, immediately preceding the expiration of the term of office of all other officers who are voted for by the voters of the entire county or of more than one municipality within the county, direct and cause to be delivered to the clerk of each municipality and the county board in counties of the first class, a notice that such officer or officers, as the case may be, will be chosen at the ensuing general election.
42. R.S.19:12-6 is amended to read as follows:
Statement designating public offices to be filled at election.
19:12-6. All municipal clerks, not later than the 57th day preceding the presidential primary election in each presidential year and the primary election for the general election in every other year, shall make and certify under their hands and seals of office and forward to the clerk of the county in which the municipality is located a statement designating the public offices to be filled at such election, and the number of persons to be voted for each office. In counties of the first class such statement shall also be forwarded to the county board.
43. Sections 34 and 35 of this act shall take effect immediately and the remainder of this act shall take effect on July 1 next following the date of enactment.
Approved March 2, 2011.