(First Reprint)



To the General Assembly:

     Pursuant to Article V, Section I, Paragraph 14 of the New Jersey Constitution, I am returning Assembly Bill No. 1468 (First Reprint) with my recommendations for reconsideration.

     This bill would establish a 10-member Task Force on Engineering Curriculum and Instruction to advise the State Board of Education on the incorporation of engineering curricula into K-12 science curricula.  Engineering education is an important academic discipline that students should have the opportunity to learn, even those who ultimately choose careers in other fields.  However, I am concerned that this bill unnecessarily departs from established roles with respect to the development, review, and implementation of curricula and curriculum standards. 

While the State is responsible for setting curriculum standards, the development and implementation of specific curricula is a local responsibility.  I do not believe it is necessary or appropriate to establish a special task force for the purpose of developing curricula.  Instead, I am recommending that this bill be amended to provide that the Department of Education examine curriculum standards regarding engineering education.  The Department will undertake this review consistent with the Department’s impending consideration of the State’s academic standards pursuant to my direction in May 2015. 

Accordingly, I herewith return Assembly Bill No. 1468 (First Reprint) and recommend that it be amended as follows:

Page 2, Title, Line 1:             Delete “establishing the Task Force on Engineering Curriculum” and insert “concerning engineering education.”


Page 2, Title, Line 2:             Delete in its entirety



Page 2, Section 1, Lines 7-20:     Delete in their entirety


Page 2, Section 1, Line 21:        Insert new section 1:

“1. The Department of Education shall undertake a review of the Core Curriculum Content Standards to ensure that they incorporate standards regarding engineering where appropriate.  The Department shall report any findings and recommendations to the Governor by March 31, 2016.”


Page 2, Section 2, Lines 22-26:    Delete in their entirety


Page 2, Section 3, Lines 28-40:    Delete in their entirety


Page 2, Section 4, Lines 42-43:    Delete in their entirety


Page 3, Section 4, Lines 1-4:      Delete in their entirety


Page 3, Section 5, Lines 6-10:     Delete in their entirety


Page 3, Section 6, Line 12:        Delete “6.” and insert “2.”


Page 3, Section 6, Line 12:        Delete “and the task force” and insert “.”


Page 3, Section 6, Line 13:        Delete its entirety




[seal]                        /s/ Chris Christie







/s/ Thomas P. Scrivo


Chief Counsel to the Governor