ASSEMBLY, No. 3519







Sponsored by:

Assemblywoman  SHAVONDA E. SUMTER

District 35 (Bergen and Passaic)

Assemblywoman  NANCY J. PINKIN

District 18 (Middlesex)






     Requires manufacture date of tires be posted at point of sale; requires information concerning used tires over 10 years old be provided at point of sale.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning the sale of tires and supplementing P.L.1960, c.39 (C.56:8-1 et seq.).


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    It shall be an unlawful practice for any person to sell at retail, or offer for sale at retail, any tire intended for use on a motor vehicle, if:

     a.     the manufacture date of the tire is not displayed on the tire or a label or tag attached to the tire, or posted on a sign or other display which also includes information relating to the cost or product details of that tire; and

     b.    the tire was manufactured more than 10 years prior to the date of sale or offering for sale and educational information on the safety risks of tires over 10 years old is not provided to a person intending to purchase such tires.


     2.    This act shall take effect on the first day of the seventh month next following the date of enactment.





     This bill requires the manufacture date of any tire to be posted or displayed wherever tires are sold or offered for sale.  The bill also requires educational information be provided at the time of purchase for any sale of used tires that are over 10 years old.  The bill is intended to inform consumers about the safety risks associated with tires over 10 years old.

     Specifically, the manufacture date of the tire would be required to be displayed on the tire or a label or tag attached to the tire, or posted on a sign or other display which also includes information relating to the cost or product details of that tire.  The sales of tires manufactured more than 10 years prior to the date of sale or offering for sale would only be allowed if educational information is provided to the person intending to purchase the tires.

     A violation of this bill is an unlawful practice under the consumer fraud act which is punishable by a monetary penalty of not more than $10,000 for a first offense and not more than $20,000 for any subsequent offense.  Additionally, a violation can result in cease and desist orders issued by the Attorney General, the assessment of punitive damages, and the awarding of treble damages and costs to the injured party.